Nathalie Feiner is supported by an ERC Starting Grant from the European Union. This funds our research on the developmental basis of parallel evolution in wall lizards.
The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundations are generously supporting our research through a Wallenberg Academy Fellowship to Tobias. Further information about this scheme can be found here.
Tobias and Kevin Laland (St Andrews) are coordinating a large research programme in evolutionary biology funded by the John Templeton Foundation. The programme brings together fifty researchers from eight institutions.
The Swedish Research Council funds different aspects of our research on wall lizards through a project grant to Tobias Uller and an establishment grant to Nathalie Feiner.
Tobias is a Wenner-Gren Fellow and the Wenner-Gren Foundations has supported our research through incoming postdoctoral stipends to Nathalie Feiner and Amanda Pettersen.
The Australian Research Council has funded our work on sex allocation and maternal effects in the past and is currently funding our research project with Geoff While on evolution of social complexity in lizards.
Our research on long-term consequences of early life conditions have been funding by the EU through an FP-7 large collaborative initiative called IDEAL. More information can be found here.
The Craaford Foundation supports our research on the causes and evolutionary consequences of hybridization in wall lizards.
The Royal Physiographic Society of Lund funds our research on Anolis lizards.
We are also grateful to the Royal Society of London, NERC, BBSRC, the Leverhulme Trust, the British Ecological Society and the National Geographic Society for past funding of projects that are still ongoing.