Plasticity can take the lead in adaptive evolution
Plasticity-led evolution would be likely if the trait combinations induced by novel environments harbour more than their fair share of genetic variation. Our new paper in PNAS shows that this is in fact quite common. For a nice overview, see this post by Luis-Miguel Chevin on F1000.
Dan Noble and Reinder Radersma collected data from studies that quantified traits and their additive genetic covariance in animals and plants exposed to novel environments. On the whole, the multivariate phenotypic change caused by environmental change were well aligned with the maximum genetic variation – and better than expected by chance.
There are several ways to interpret these results. Perhaps the most interesting from the perspective of evolvability is that developmental systems respond to environmental novelty as they do to genetic mutation. Such developmental bias means that populations that evolve plasticity will tend to continue to evolve in some ways rather than others. The present paper is the first in a series of empirical and theoretical papers that address this problem as part of our group’s involvement in an international research effort. So please keep an eye out for more.
It is time to say goodbye…
As the EES grant comes to a close, we are sad to see some of our friends move on, but excited about the opportunities they have created for themselves.
Reinder is now a researcher in statistical genetics at Wageningen University & Research Institute, which is THE place to be for agriculture, environmental and food science. His work on maternal effects, plasticity and evolvability will undoubtedly prove useful also to domesticated plants and animals.
Alfredo also leaves us, in this case for a postdoc in Copenhagen. After a couple of years with theory, he is now ready to get his hands dirty with data again. The aim is to reveal the molecular complexities of maternal-fetal communication, a perfect opportunity to transfer skills between evolutionary and developmental biology!
Although it is sad for all of us to see them leave, it is particularly sad for Tobias – they have known each other since the Oxford years, when Reinder did a postdoc with Ben Sheldon and Alfredo his MSc with Tobias. They have been fantastic friends and colleagues – always positive, helpful, and engaged. Hats off for everything you have taught us over the years.
See you soon!!
Summer cottage getaway
All visitors to Sweden should experience that summer cottage feeling! Accordingly, the group packed their thermal underwear, swim trunks, shorts and rain coats and headed to Tobias’ family’s cottage in Värmland. All outfits came to good use since we had typical Swedish summer weather – blue sky followed by rain, and then glorious weather when we had to leave. Just like every year.
View from the veranda on day 1…. and day 2…
Germs, lizards and field work cut our numbers this time. But the rest of us had a great time – relaxing, birding, fishing, swimming, and beaver watching, enjoying local art exhibitions, cultural history, snaps, and grillkvällar… or, to quote Yang: “we managed to do and see everything we were promised – and in addition we watched the Champion’s League final!”

A beaver with unfinished business, perhaps the one that swam past this morning?
Summer lunch with traditional food, snaps and songs. The students are getting younger every year…
Geoff While visiting
We are very happy to have Geoff While from the University of Tasmania visiting us for three months. Geoff is a fantastic friend and collaborator whose scientific drive, passion for biology, and lizard catching skills are nearly impossible to beat. In addition to the usual wall lizard field season, we have a few old projects to finish off, some that are in full swing, and perhaps one or two new ones to launch. Not to mention all the other things you could get done over a beer or two. Welcome Geoff!
Ullergroup at Evolution Evolving
The Evolution Evolving at Cambridge was packed with three days of exciting talks – from culture in whales to control theory and the philosophy of explanation. The crew from Lund felt like lizards in the sun – pretty comfy and happy! So much in fact that Alfredo won the prize for best talk, and Illiam the prize for best poster. Congratulations to both!
We are very grateful to our fellow organisers and all the participants for making this such a great event. A full conference report will be posted in due time at the EES webpage, together with recordings of plenaries and key notes. They were brilliant! Until then, you can see what you missed at #evoevolving and #EES_Update
Alfredo on “How does evolution work with strong attractors?”