As the EES grant comes to a close, we are sad to see some of our friends move on, but excited about the opportunities they have created for themselves.
Reinder is now a researcher in statistical genetics at Wageningen University & Research Institute, which is THE place to be for agriculture, environmental and food science. His work on maternal effects, plasticity and evolvability will undoubtedly prove useful also to domesticated plants and animals.
Alfredo also leaves us, in this case for a postdoc in Copenhagen. After a couple of years with theory, he is now ready to get his hands dirty with data again. The aim is to reveal the molecular complexities of maternal-fetal communication, a perfect opportunity to transfer skills between evolutionary and developmental biology!
Although it is sad for all of us to see them leave, it is particularly sad for Tobias – they have known each other since the Oxford years, when Reinder did a postdoc with Ben Sheldon and Alfredo his MSc with Tobias. They have been fantastic friends and colleagues – always positive, helpful, and engaged. Hats off for everything you have taught us over the years.
See you soon!!